Wednesday 14 December 2011

Properties of distributed systems

So far the focus has been on designing a broadcast arrangement that solves a accustomed problem. A commutual analysis botheration is belief the backdrop of a accustomed broadcast system.

The awkward botheration is an akin archetype from the acreage of centralised computation: we are accustomed a computer affairs and the assignment is to adjudge whether it halts or runs forever. The awkward botheration is undecidable in the accepted case, and artlessly compassionate the behaviour of a computer arrangement is at atomic as adamantine as compassionate the behaviour of one computer.

However, there are abounding absorbing appropriate cases that are decidable. In particular, it is accessible to acumen about the behaviour of a arrangement of finite-state machines. One archetype is cogent whether a accustomed arrangement of interacting (asynchronous and non-deterministic) finite-state machines can ability a deadlock. This botheration is PSPACE-complete,39 i.e., it is decidable, but it is not acceptable that there is an able (centralised, alongside or distributed) algorithm that solves the botheration in the case of ample networks.

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